JIS and Safety Measures

History of Receiving JIS Certification

* Side rail and bed grip that are compatible with JIS certified beds (as of December 14th, 2011).
* Safety covers for the rails are available for each rail

Measures for No- JIS Certified Products Before 2009

Reasons for Revising JIS Standards

There have been several dozen serious accidents and deaths related to care beds since 2007, which is why the JIS standards for care beds (JIS 9254:2005) created in December 2005 was revised to be JIS9254:2009 in March 2009.

Currently, most care bed manufacturers are JIS certified and are sold with the JIS Welfare Equipment Mark.

JIS Welfare Equipment Mark

JIS Welfare Equipment Mark

Primary Details of Revision

1. The permitted gap between the rails and between the rail and board were narrowed.

As shown in the picture on the right, there have been serious accidents (almost 10 cases) of the neck and body getting caught in this gap. The gap between the rails was narrowed to prevent the neck from getting caught in the gap.


Former, 2005 JIS Standards

6 to 23.5cm was considered the danger zone

New Standards

As shown below, the smaller, 6cm gap is tested by pushing a 6cm pillar down with a force of 5kg. If the pillar goes between the rails, the product does not meet JIS standards. The larger gap must be more than 23.5cm. Although different manufacturers, bed types, and rails have different gaps, Platz does not manufacture beds with gaps between 3.5cm to 23.5cm.

Standard Gap for Home Care Beds Meeting JIS Standards (Extracted)

The gaps between the rails have caused many accidents and JIS standards (JIS T 9254) defined as shown below.

  1. 1. A pillar shaped object with the diameter of 6cm (Object 1) was placed on Sections A and pressed down with a force of 50N (approx. 5.1kgf). As shown in Object 2, the Object 1 should not go between the rails or there should be a gap larger than 23.5cm.
  2. 2. A cone shaped object (Object 3) is placed on Section B, which is the bed grip section, and pressed down with a force of 50N (approx. 5.1kgf). The cone must not go through the hole.
  3. 3. A cone shaped object (Object 3) is placed on Section C and no additional force is applied. The cone must not go through the hole.


Accidents may occur depending on how the beds are used, changes in the physical condition of the user, and many other factors even if the product is JIS certified. Please follow the Instruction Manual and additional information and be very careful.

Gap when Combining the Side Rail and Bed Grip

Gap when Combining the Side Rail and Bed Grip

Gap when Combining the Long Side Rail and Other Side Rails

Gap when Combining the Long Side Rail and Other Side Rails

Gap when Combining the Regular Side Rail and Other Side Rails

Gap when Combining the Regular Side Rail and Other Side Rails

The following two sections are added to the aforementioned section regarding the gaps in the beds because the gaps may change depending on the combination and shapes of the rails.

  • Only side rails and bed grips that were certified at the same time as the JIS certified bed are allowed to be combined with JIS certified care beds.
  • Businesses that sell or rent JIS certified beds must sign a contract with the manufacturer pertaining to the use of the bed to guarantee that they follow the aforementioned standard.

* Even before JIS certification, all of Platz’s beds were designed to be between three to four centimeters, which is why there have been zero accidents with pinched necks.

2. Removing Sections that Catch Onto Clothing

Depending on the shape of the bed grip, clothes may get caught on the bed grip when getting in and out of bed. As shown in the picture on the right, this has led to several accidents where the clothes got caught and choked the user.

Through inspections at the designing and sampling stages and other inspections from a variety of risk management perspectives, Platz removed all potentially dangerous protruding areas.


For those using Platz’s former bed grip model PZR-K900TAH

An orange cover for protruding parts is being provided free of charge to prevent clothing from getting caught.See here for details.

3. Approximately Ten New Criteria were Added to Improve Durability and Test Strength

Forgetting to lock the moving parts has led to many accidents. Therefore, the locking component has been tested 10,000 times, among other tests, to test for durability.

Falling from forgetting to lock

Falling from forgetting to lock

4. Addition of Factory Certification

There are several dozen criteria that include inspecting factory facilities, machines, and traceability of material management to become a Platz certified factory

What is Traceability?

Traceability is the ability to be able to track the components used to produce the products, the number of products sold, where the product was sold to, and when it was sold. This system is vital for preventing accidents on larger scale should it be found that a defective part on the product be the cause for such accidents.

5. JIS and Others

To qualify for JIS certification, the factory and the product must both receive certification. Even if the product is manufactured at a JIS certified factory, the product is not automatically certified and must receive its own certification.

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